10. April 2021
The 3 C's - Connect, Communicate, Collaborate
24. November 2020
An holistic approach to thought that helps us make wise decisions before we act
30. October 2020
Dialectics as a way of thinking.
30. October 2020
Project management - a tool for getting organised and getting things done.
30. October 2020
04 The arrow flies true - Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning - the arrow flies in the right direction.
30. October 2020
03 What would it be like without bird song - Purpose & Passion
Purpose and passion. Tui - what would it be like without birdsong!
29. October 2020
This is the third in a series of Blogs on personal management and how to lead a life worth living and be happy. 'Strength Based' is a guiding philosophy and a collaborative approach to positive personal change. More than just cooperation, it expects the active participation and understanding by the individual in the process. As social beings so much of our success comes from collaborating with others towards shared purpose and objectives. This is equally so when we pursue a life worth living.
29. October 2020
This is the second in a series of Blogs on personal management and how to lead a life worth living and through this be happy. Do we have a right to happiness?
29. October 2020
An introduction to the concept of happiness.
30. March 2020
05 - To do or not to do - SMART Objectives
SMART objectives when pursuing your interests.