08 Wise Mind

This is the ninth in a series of Blogs on personal management and how to live a life worth living and be happy.  Perhaps it should have been #1 as it’s about the precursor to action, which is thought.  



I advocate an holistic approach to thought that helps us make wise decisions before we act.  To do this we need a wise mind.


Stating perhaps the obvious, thought and knowledge are not straightforward.  This is especially the case in a world full of mis and disinformation where truth is not an objective reality, rather something that can be manufactured to suit your ends.  This is a pragmatism that ignores truth as long as you get want you want!

This raise a number of big questions:


·         What is truth?

·         What are our sources of knowledge?

·         What is the right way to live?

·         What is intuition or revelation?

·         How can we make wise decisions before we act?

And many more.


In the Western world the predominant way of thinking has its roots in Greek philosophy, it’s rational and logical and it’s led to fantastic advances in science and our understanding of the world.  However if untempered it allows actions without regard for consequences.  On the global scale for example consider: nuclear bombs that have and could be used again;

or human caused mass extinction that is happening now;

or climate change!

All things that we can understand rationally, but don't make them OK.


It can be the same at a personal level.  It's rational and logical but it's not OK.



You might of guessed, I’m very fond of spectrum's as a way to help understanding.  Here’s another one:

The Truth = how the world is.

The Way = the right way to live.


In black and white terms, The Truth, can free us from any moral, ethical or environmental responsibility for the consequences of our actions. Nuclear fission is the science, the nuclear bomb a consequence.  The Way, when you believe something is true regardless of any evidence from reality, and consequently act on this basis.   Donald Trump has a reality that sometimes does not take account of any truth!


There is a dynamic between the poles of Truth and Way, hence it is a spectrum.  Practically what does this mean in terms of the Happiness Spectrum, of making wise decisions that we act on, that give us purpose, that make us happier?


A simpler way of putting this.  What do I know and feel, and as a consequence this is how I will act.  For me this process also has to take into account the moral, ethical and environmental impacts of my choices.   This is the Wise Mind.


There is a tendency to think one dimensionally rather than holistically.  When we plan actions do we take into account just logic and reason, or at least give them far greater emphasis?  Should we also take into account our emotions – how we feel about our decisions?   These 2 things – our rational and emotional minds - are influenced by many things.


In terms of personal management, holistic thinking can be used at any planning stage (e.g. strategically or with projects.)  It’s similar to a situational analysis at an organisational level where an organisation uses various methods to understand the internal and external environment affecting it.   PEEST and SWOT analyses, at a personal level, can help with planning and enable an opportunity to reflect before acting.   I've mentioned PEEST before but I'll reiterate here - Political, Economic, Environmental, Social and Technical.  Use these headings to analyse the external factors that are affecting you.  SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.  Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors affecting you, Opportunities and Threats are external factors.


Here’s some other questions to help the reflection, and to help make wise decisions.

What do I know, and how do I know this?  What are the sources knowledge?

How do I feel about what I’m planning?  Listen to your emotions and intuition.

What do I think are the ethical, moral and environmental consequences, of what I’m planning?

Am I being judgmental, or making assumptions, or stereotyping?

How is my culture and traditions impacting on my decision making?  (as another exercise can you describe your own culture!) 

When am I intuitive?  What triggers an epiphany or revelation that can start a process of change?  How do I take cognisance of this intuition, epiphany or revelation, and 'capture' it?

How do I relate to authority be it expert, political or spiritual?

What impact have past experiences had on me, for example past trauma?

What of my perception?  Do I just sense those things that ‘fit’ with my norms and preconceptions?


The Wise Mind will integrate all of these things into the decision making process – an holistic approach to thought.


Almost certainly you will not get everything right, but taking these things into account will aid the process of making wise decisions.  This will help you live a life worth living and your happiness.  It’s also an opportunity to learn.


The final Blog is on the 3 C's:





I welcome feedback.  Please contact me.

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