Happiness, the emotional consequence of a life worth living!

A life worth living, one with purpose and meaning, has a consequence, a by-product, the emotional state we call happiness!  Welcome to the 'Happiness Spectrum' - an introduction to personal management.  How we think, plan and act to manage our life and with it our happiness. 


If we have a right to happiness, then we also have responsibilities.  Responsibilities that take account of the consequences of our actions.  Happiness is more than just pleasure, it is that emotional state where we have purpose, take action and meet our own expectations.  These expectations, I suggest, need to be value based, strength based and take account of the consequences of our actions on other people and the environment that supports life.  To do otherwise becomes meaningless, a ‘me culture’ that does not appreciate that ‘me’, the individual, only has meaning in the context of ‘us’ - our family, friends, community and the place where we live.  For many this may entail a revaluation of ones values.


I've found you can be happy and unhappy at the same time and managing this dialectic is a key skill in helping lead a life worth living.  This website suggests ways to help manage this through a short series of Blogs.



Postcard found in Zimbabwe.  I have it on my office wall as a reminder to stop me procrastinating.  


The 10 Blogs listed to the right are an introduction to personal management, they're an aid to the taking of responsibility for your life and as a consequence your happiness.


The first three blogs, provide an oversight:

- of happiness;

- of strength based philosophy;

- of basic human rights/needs.


The rest cover a particular aspect of personal management.  They're a mixture of ideas, management techniques, practical advice and personal stories.  They're based on many years working with people in community organisations.  


I hope they are useful.   


I welcome feedback. If you would like to contact me.   Contact.